March 27, 2011

Bowls Baby Bowls

Hmmm....... it will have to be the year of the new kiln...I have forgotten how much space bowls take up ...and my 20 year old small kiln is busting at the seams...I am however, really enjoying making this form and exploring different permutations of surface...from transfers to inlaid clay.

March 18, 2011

Coloured Clay

After 10 years of exploring just the white translucency of porcelain, I am finding my way back into colour and LOVING IT! Each day is full of experimentation and play...don't worry you purists out there, the white work remains an important part of my repertoire.

March 16, 2011

Bunnies in the Bo-Kaap

I've joined the worldwide bunny madness with some porcelain vessels for one of my favourite shops in Cape Town...Haas on Rose Street in the Bo-Kaap just opened a coffee shop alongside their wonderful treasure trove...